Real magic is the art of bringing gifts from another world into this world. We do this when we go dreaming and when we remember to bring something back. We can also walk the roads of everyday life as conscious or lucid dreamers, learning to recognize how the world is speaking to us in signs and symbols. In night dreams and conscious excursion, we get out there; we go near or far into other orders of reality where the rules of linear time and Newtonian physics do not apply.
Through synchronicity, powers of the deeper reality come poking and probing through the walls of our consensual hallucinations to bring us awake. Sometimes they work to confirm or encourage us in a certain line of action; sometimes they intercede to knock us back and discourage us from persisting in the worst of our errors.
Robert invented the world "kairomancy" to describe the practice of navigating by synchronicity. It builds on the idea that a key feature of the experience of meaningful coincidence is that we know this is a special moment when things operate differently. The Greeks have a word for a special moment of this kind. They call it a Kairos moment. Kairos is also a god, the antithesis of Chronos, the old god of tick-tock linear time. Kairos is jump time, opportunity time, the special moment you have to seize before it is lost.
Come ready to play wonderful fresh games of coincidence in which you will receive direct messages on your life issues from the oracle of the universe.
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
$275 if paid in full by 2/15/2016; $325 thereafter.
Click here to inquire and register.